Programmer Table Robotics Android Processor PCB Circuit Smart logic

Diploma Project

Welcome Sir, If you want to know more about any project , contact us. We will drop mail for you with the details of each project & it`s cost. Our cost is nominal because our aim is to help the students.We have more project than list here.So if you have idea about your project , we can help you to convert your imagination to reality.

Project 1: Digital IC Tester cum Detector (Logic gate ICs)
Project 2: Digital clock with object counter on LCD.
Project 3: Master Slave object counter with display on 7 segment or lcd.
Project 4: Digital Speed-Distance meter (LCD 16X2)
Project 5: Data transfer from micro-controller to computer terminal
through hyper terminal.
Project 6: Data transfer from computer terminal to micro-controller
through hyper terminal with LCD display.
Project 7: Interfacing the Thumb-wheel and 7 segment display with
micro-controller and making industrial Up or Down counter.
Project 8: Interfacing Digital to Analog converter with micro-controller
and controlling the speed of dc motor.
Project 9: Serial interface of 7segment display.
Project 10: Access Control system (Door security system)
Project 11: Entry-Exit counter system cum power saver.
Project 12: Micro controller based Electronic Voting Machine
Project 13: IR based object Detector device.
Project 14: Digital stopwatch with the accuracy of 5 ms.
Project 15: Temperature Controller using LM35
Project 16: Relay on-off Industrial Timer Counter with LCD 16x2 and Editable time. (4500/-)
Project 17: Microcontroller based calculator
Project 18: moving display pattern with editable name
Project 19: Microcontroller based Digital volt meter (with LCD )
Project 20: Microcontroller Stepper motor control system.
Project 21: Irrigation control using microcontroller based automation system
Project 22: ultra sonic distance meter (range 0 to 4m)
Project 23: Heart beat measurement.
Project 24: Reverse Car Parking System with auto breaking. (with LCD 16*2)(charge of robot/car is not included)
Project 25: Blood Infusion Warmer system with bubble detector(with LCD 16*2). (For Biomedical)
Project 26: Brail watch (with LCD 16*2) and Vibrators. (For Biomedical)
Project 27: Relay on-off Industrial Timer Counter with LCD 16x2 and Editable time.
Project 28: Hand Talk Glow.
Project 29:Moving Message display on LCD 16X.